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Real Estate Law Software: The New Standard for Real Estate Attorneys
Thursday, October 5, 2023

The legal profession has always been one that values tradition. Yet with rapid advancements in technology, even the most time-honored practices are integrating new tools to improve efficiency and client services. This is particularly true in real estate law, where cumbersome paper-based systems are making way for streamlined, digital solutions. 

The technological shift is especially evident in the field of real estate law, where the many details of contracts, the property market, and fiduciary responsibilities can quickly become overwhelming. If you’re a real estate lawyer, embracing legal case management software is not merely an option—it’s becoming the new norm.

What Is Real Estate Software for Attorneys? Tech’s Impact on Real Estate Law

Real estate law software is a specialized digital suite designed to assist lawyers in tackling property-related legal issues. It comes with a variety of features, from contract management to fiduciary trust accounting, all of which are crafted to meet the unique demands of real estate law.

The impact of technology like this on this field has been transformative, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of many notable examples of legal technology is the legalization of remote online notarization (RON) in a majority of states. This innovation allows legal professionals to conduct notarizations virtually, streamlining the process and eliminating the need for in-person meetings. 

As a result, real estate attorneys can now efficiently and securely serve their clients, marking a significant change in how property-related legal matters are handled. This is just one of many advancements that demonstrate how technology has become an integral part of the practice of real estate law.

Features to Look for Beyond Basic Real Estate Closing Software for Attorneys

As a real estate attorney, your responsibilities go far beyond paperwork and transactional tasks. You’re navigating complex zoning laws, representing clients in land use disputes, and even offering advice on property investments. While basic title closing software can handle the nuts and bolts of transactions, it’s case management software that truly elevates your practice. 

Providing a holistic approach, case management software equips you with advanced tools that extend further than deal-closing functionalities. What specific features should you look for in case management software to best support your practice? Let’s take a look.

1. Customizable Fields for Diverse Property Transactions

Real estate transactions are quite varied, from straightforward residential closings to more complex litigations. Software that allows for customizable fields for different property types lets you quickly access relevant zoning laws, tenant rights, or tax codes for each unique case. This feature makes your practice more agile and responsive to the distinctive needs of real estate law.

2. Fiduciary Trust Accounting Software that Maintains Compliance

Trust accounting features should enable you to meticulously manage client funds. Plus, real estate attorneys need legal trust accounting that stays compliant with IOLTA, the American Bar Association (ABA), and state bar regulations. Additionally, they should facilitate the maintenance of accurate records, promoting transparency and upholding the highest ethical and legal standards in your practice.

3. Secure Portals for Client Communication and Document Sharing

Client communication in real estate law involves the secure exchange of sensitive documents like land titles, lease agreements, building permits, and more. A dedicated, secure client portal for these unique types of documentation will foster better communication and trust, allowing clients to safely upload confidential information. Plus, a portal like this keeps clients informed on the status of their case in real time. This fosters better communication and trust, providing a centralized location for all pertinent case information.

4. E-Signature Capabilities for Speedy Contract Finalization

Time is of the essence in the world of real estate law. An e-signature feature expedites the transaction process, from signing purchase agreements to lease documents. This efficiency allows you to close deals swiftly without compromising on thoroughness or due diligence.

5. Instant Updates with Built-In Text Messaging

Navigating tight deadlines or last-minute changes in real estate transactions? Integrated text messaging enables immediate, on-the-go communication with clients, whether it’s confirming a successful bid, updating on zoning changes, or sending quick reminders for open houses or inspections. Keep everyone in the loop in real time without having to dig through email chains.

Automation isn’t just a convenience; it’s a strategic asset for enhancing your law firm’s efficiency and responsiveness. In the realm of real estate law, the power of automation shines in several critical areas:

  • Automated Workflows for Case Management: From the initial consultation to the final resolution, software should allow for adaptable, automated processes that make each phase easier to manage. 
  • Time Tracking to Capture Every Billable Minute: Your role in real estate law isn’t limited to desk work. You’ll find yourself at property viewings, consultations with city planning officials, or sometimes even in court. A time-tracking feature designed for these activities helps you accurately log every billable moment, whether you’re examining site plans or negotiating contracts.
  • Document Automation for Varied Contracts: Enhance your document automation to include various types of agreements like quitclaim deeds, rights of first refusal, easements, or covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs). 
  • Important Date Reminders: Set up automated reminders for zoning applications, permit deadlines, notices of commencement, statutory deadlines, and so much more. These reminders ensure that you and your client are on the same page. 

Each of these automated functions can reduce manual workload, allowing you to focus more on the practice of law rather than administrative tasks.

This article was authored by Allison Lemasters.

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