Michael C. Simoni

Michael Simoni Trial Lawyer Miller Canfield Law Firm
Organization Profile
Professional Biography

Michael C. Simoni is an experienced trial and appellate attorney specializing in sophisticated commercial litigation. 

As an appellate lawyer, Michael specializes in providing a fresh set of eyes to each case, evaluating it from the perspective of a neutral appellate judge and determining how to present issues to maximize the chances of a successful appeal. Michael brings forceful written and oral advocacy to each appeal and is expert at presenting complex legal and technical issues so that they are both understandable and persuasive for generalist appellate judges. Michael has successfully handled numerous cases in the Michigan appellate courts, as well as the federal appellate courts. He is well-versed in the often complicated and misunderstood rules of appellate procedure.

Based on his extensive experience, Michael knows how appellate judges view cases and is adept at distilling the relevant facts and issues from the lower court record so that the appellate court has exactly what it needs to preserve a client's win in the trial court or reverse an unfavorable decision. He also provides real-time guidance to trial attorneys before an appeal to ensure that issues are preserved and post-judgment motions are framed to bolster his clients' chances on appeal. Michael is a frequent author of amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs, which allow clients to provide their views on legal issues and educate appellate courts on the broader policy implications of a decision in a given case. Michael currently serves on the governing council of the State Bar of Michigan's Appellate Practice Section and is a former officer on the ABA's appellate practice committee.

At the trial level, Michael focuses on providing comprehensive analyses of difficult legal and business issues and strives to advance the most appropriate course of action for various clients in complex commercial cases. He has represented large and small clients in commercial, antitrust, trademark, patent, trade secret, copyright, environmental, UCC, petroleum marketing, mass tort, contract, securities, and product liability matters. Michael has been recognized as a rising star in business and intellectual property litigation and is frequently retained as local counsel by leading international law firms for his expertise and relationships with the federal judiciary in Michigan. Michael also serves as an arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association.

Michael is committed to pro bono service and is a member of Miller Canfield's Pro Bono Committee. Outside of the office, Michael serves as a member of the board of directors for the Old Newsboys' Goodfellow Fund of Detroit.

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