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5 Keys to Getting Qualified Leads from Avvo

5 Keys to Getting Qualified Leads from Avvo
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hundreds of thousands of consumers visit every month, and one of the most popular features of the site is Ask a Lawyer. Consumers pose their legal question and attorneys have an opportunity to answer it, exposing their profiles to potential clients who need legal advice right now.

Here are the 5 keys you need to keep in mind when answering legal questions on Avvo, which will help you boost your overall online authority in your practice area and help you transform prospects into paying clients:

Avvo qualified leads

1.  Answer questions quickly. Avvo rewards attorneys who respond first by increasing Contributor Points.  You can receive email alerts when questions are posted in your location and practice area.

2.  Answer as many questions as possible.  Avvo awards Contributor Points every time you answer a question.  Your goal is to become a “Top Contributor”, which Avvo recognizes by posting your photo and profile on the major pages of their site.  Unsurprisingly, Top Contributors are the most viewed attorney profiles on Avvo.

3.  Answer questions thoroughly.  This is a great way to demonstrate the depth of your knowledge in your area of practice.  You need to provide answers that provide consumers with a perceived value.

4.  Only answer questions you have the expertise to answer.  Often, attorneys are tempted to try to gain Top Contributor status by grabbing and answering every question they can.  Unless you can speak thoroughly and knowledgeably on each subject, don’t answer.

5.  Provide meaningful answers.  Never post an answer that simply says “you need to hire an attorney” in different words over and over again.  This is counterproductive to your desire to appear as an expert, and Avvo discourages this kind of answer.

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