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Survey of Wrongful Death Verdicts for the Very Young and Very Old

Survey of Wrongful Death Verdicts for the Very Young and Very Old
Monday, April 4, 2011

Cook County verdict values for wrongful death cases involving the very young and very old show that there is still large exposure for the right case despite the decedent’s age.  Age has typically been a mitigating factor keeping down verdicts and settlements for cases involving the very young and elderly.  However, after undertaking a review of all verdict results for Cook County in the last five years, the data reveals some very large verdicts despite the age. 

It is difficult to make sweeping conclusions from verdict reports alone especially in Cook County because there is such a wide variation from case to case, and of course, each case is dependent upon its own facts and the quality of the defense.  Additionally, it is important to note that the defense is still meritorious about two thirds more often than plaintiff at trial.  Even in Cook County it is still an up hill battle for any plaintiff.  There are also many, many reported settlements much lower than the values listed on the tables below.  However, of the cases that actually went to verdict in the last five years, it is clear there is still significant exposure in the cases that end up as a plaintiff verdict.  Below is a summary of the data for all wrongful death claims in a medical negligence case from 2005 to January, 2011, for children ages 0-9 and adults over the age of 80.

Wrongful Death Ages 0-9

Year Age Type of Case Verdict
7 Days
Failure to admit child from ER despite heart desaturations
Failure to monitor during CT scan
Failure to diagnose necrotizing blastomycosis
14 days
Failure to diagnose HELLP syndrome in mother (severe pre-eclapsia)
Inappropriate conscious sedation
Failure to diagnose meningitis
$7,000,000 (High/Low by doctor $985K - $1.8)
0, Stillbirth
Failure to admit and perform c-section secondary to placental abruption
0, Stillbirth
Failure to diagnose placental abruption
Failure to advise mother of proper medication instructions

Of forty-two verdicts reviewed that matched our search criteria of wrongful death between 2005 and 2011 of a child under 9, thirty-three had a not guilty verdict.  

Wrongful Death Ages 80+

Year Age Type of Case Verdict
Failure to administer proper hypothyroidism medication
Failure to monitor while eating/choked
Fall at nursing home/head trauma
Negligence related to off label use of
$75,000 (after 50% off
$150,000 due to contributory

Of thirteen verdicts reviewed that matched our search criteria of wrongful death between 2005-2011 of an elderly adult age 80 or older, nine were a not guilty verdict.

After review of these end of the spectrum wrongful death verdicts, it is encouraging to the defense that the majority of these verdicts were not guilty verdicts.  Also, many more were settled in a range well under $1 million dollars.  However, to dismiss a case as insignificant in value based upon the age of the decedent would be a mistake.  As shown above, hospitals and other health care providers still face significant damage exposure, despite the age of the decedent, in certain scenarios.  To best position our clients litigating these geriatric and pediatric cases, we make every effort to aggressively work up the cases from all angles and mount a reasoned defense supported by well qualified experts early in the litigation process.  We find this aggressive litigation strategy best positions us to be able to resolve the case in a reasonable range and to obtain a not guilty verdict should the case be tried.

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