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How to Build a Referral System That Delivers Results

How to Build a Referral System That Delivers Results
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Referrals don’t just happen.  They must be cultivated.  While you may get an occasional referral from a former client or someone you know, if you want to take your legal marketing to the next level, you need a referral system.  How do you do build a referral system that will bring you the results you need?

You start by developing relationships with potential referral sources and generate consistent referrals from them.  These sources may include accountants, investment advisers, business leaders, or anyone who has influence with your target market.  Depending on your practice area, your referral sources will vary.

Developing a relationship is a two-way process.  It can’t just be you asking them for referrals when you see them.  It requires regular contact and you showing as much concern for their business as you are asking them to show for your practice.  Ask them how you can assist them in achieving their goals.

Another key component of your law firm referral development plan is to create a system for connecting with prospects, clients and referral sources on a regular, consistent basis. This should include:

Monthly newsletters – keep them apprised of what your firm is doing, new employees, and content that is beneficial to them.

Annual Client Satisfaction Survey – find out what your clients think about the service they have received from your firm.

Keep In Touch letters – on a regular basis, every 2-3 months, send a letter to referrals, prospects and clients just to touch base.  This top-of-mind awareness is crucial for generating referrals.

Referral Education System – your referral sources need to know what kind of prospects you are looking for.  It does no good for them to refer prospects to you who are not looking for what your firm offers. 

Keep your referral sources updated on your practice areas and any changes in your firm if you want to receive high quality referrals.

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