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Understanding Work Related Accidents & Workplace Accommodations

Understanding Work Related Accidents & Workplace Accommodations
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

After you’re injured in a work related accident, there are many steps that you need to take. You’ll need to arrange doctor’s appointments and potentially schedule physical or occupational therapy sessions to determine the length and severity of your injuries. After the accident, you may also need extra accommodations once you return to work, which poses a difficult but important question: what should I do if I have permanent restrictions as a result of a work related accident, but my employer will not accommodate me?

For those unsure or unaware, the benefits payable under New Jersey’s workers’ compensation include payment of medical bills, temporary disability benefits while the worker is recovering from an injury, and permanent disability benefits, which are subject to a schedule of benefits. This is all available so an injured worker can be compensated for the ways in which the injury will have a permanent impact on their life. For some, this impact may mean that they not physically capable of returning to their former job. When this happens, they may need training to re-enter the workforce; however, this is not something that workers’ compensation is obligated to provide.

Fortunately, the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development offer services through the office of Vocational Rehabilitation. Their purpose is to enable individuals with disabilities to find jobs or keep their existing job. Services may include education, job training, and job placement assistance. A complete list of services can be found at their website here.

Some services are provided at no cost and others are based upon ability to pay. The services provided can help you get back to work quickly after a work injury.